Understanding and challenging Ofsted ~ a legal perspective

Muckle LLP invited education law specialist Oliver Hyams to help the participants of this morning seminar understand their obligations to Ofsted and offer practical examples of how to challenge government office.

Oliver covered the following topics:

  • the legal framework for the inspection
  • Ofsted’s approach to publication of a report, even in the event that the report is challenged
  • how a public law challenge could be made in theory
  • the difficulty of getting an injunction to stop the publication
  • the difficulty of getting a report quashed on the basis that it is flawed on public law grounds.

The training was rounded up with a Q&A slot during which Oliver and the Muckle LLp education team addressed any queries the audience may have had on this topic. There was also an opportunity to submit questions in advance.

The event took place at Muckle LLP's Newcastle office on Tuesday 6 October 2015.

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