Bean on Injunctions (11th edition)
11th Edition, Sweet & Maxwell
Authors: Mr Justice Bean; HHJ Isabel Parry; Andrew Burns
Injunctions is a concise and practical guide to the subject of injunctions, with particular emphasis on procedure. Covers the full range of injunctions in one volume. Provides a concise and practical guide with particular emphasis on explanation of procedure. Sets out what remedies are available and to which situations they are best suited.Covers all matters of jurisdiction and the discretionary powers of different courts.Fully explains the criteria for both permanent and interim injunctions. Gives step-by-step analysis of practice and procedure, covering interim applications, other proceedings (including appeals), freezing injunctions, search orders and contempt of court. Contains a useful collection of official and unofficial precedents. Includes a chapter on matrimonial and domestic proceedings written by Her Honour Judge Isabel Parry. Deals with special cases such as ones dealing with restraint of publications, employment contracts, public law, defendants outside the jurisdiction, restraint of legal proceedings, and discrimination.
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