Regulatory certainty in fast-moving competitive markets
Is it possible to achieve regulatory certainty in an ever-changing and converging telecoms and media industry? On 17th June Devereux and Alvarez & Marsal brought together several industry and regulatory experts to share their views on this topic during a joint seminar:
- Striking the right balance between fair competition and effective regulation - Tasneem Azad, Managing Director, Global Forensics and Disputes, Alvarez & Marsal, introduced the evening's discussion topics
- How the CMA and the sector regulators work together to improve consumer outcomes in regulated sectors - Dr. Andrea Coscelli, Executive Director Markets and Mergers, Competition and Markets Authority
- Regulatory certainty in practice - an industry perspective - Kim Hilton-Cowie, Head of Regulatory and Competition, EE
- Legal constraints on regulators changing regulatory approaches. What happens when regulatory approaches change after business decisions have already been taken? - Graham Read QC, Barrister, Devereux Chambers
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