"Rob deals with tricky issues with an innovative approach and an open mindset."

Chambers UK 2025

Rob Hunter

Year of Call: 2000

"Rob deals with tricky issues with an innovative approach and an open mindset."

Chambers UK 2025

Rob Hunter

Year of Call: 2000

"Rob deals with tricky issues with an innovative approach and an open mindset."

Chambers UK 2025

Rob Hunter

Year of Call: 2000

Rob Hunter

"Rob deals with tricky issues with an innovative approach and an open mindset."

Chambers UK 2025

Rob Hunter

Year of Call: 2000

Rob is a highly regarded senior junior who has practised exclusively in personal injury and clinical negligence for more than a decade. 

He has experience of the full spectrum of serious injuries, especially brain, obstetric and the most severe orthopaedic injuries such as amputation. Fatal claims are also a particular area of expertise. 

In the field of clinical negligence, Rob acts most often in claims arising from birth injuries, spinal surgery or delayed intervention with serious or fatal consequences.

During 2019 judgments in two of Rob's cases have attracted attention:

During the first half of 2019, judgments in two of Rob's cases have attracted attention: 

AB v KL [2019] EWHC 611 (QB) - Fatal accident case involving several novel awards to adult dependants; an "important" case (Gordon Exall). 

Dodds v Arif [2019] EWHC 1512 - Brain injury claim where permission refused for "bespoke" expert evidence on life expectancy. 

In WS v DM & Another, Rob was instructed by Bethany Sanders and Katherine Wilkinson of Leigh Day to act in a fatal accident claim where there was a major dispute about valuation of the deceased’s preferential employment benefits.  The Claimant rejected a substantial written offer and the case was litigated. 

The claim settled for a seven-figure sum at a joint settlement meeting December 2022.

Rob is routinely instructed as sole counsel in cases with a value in excess of £1m, but is also retained alongside Leading Counsel in catastrophic claims and has worked alongside all three of Devereux's PI / clinical negligence silks in the last year. Rob does not accept new claims with a value of less than £250k.

Rob also has a strong reputation in international personal injury and is instructed where there has been a serious accident or fatality abroad, and in large group actions on behalf of disappointed holiday makers.

The leading legal directories have ranked Rob as a leading junior since 2009 (see 'Recommendations' below).  Rob is recommended as "a good strategic thinker" with "an instinct for working out how things are going to play out". Previous editions have described Rob as "well prepared", "thoroughly committed" and “a talented barrister who is very good with clients".

  • Recommendations

    "Rob Hunter is an experienced junior barrister who is known for his astute representation of claimants. He is regularly instructed in matters involving complex quantum and causation issues, and has experience of handling high-value brain injury, birth injury and amputation claims." - Clinical Negligence, Chambers UK 2025

    “Rob Hunter is instructed by numerous leading claimant solicitors for catastrophic injury cases. He is best known for his excellent work in fatal accident matters and traumatic brain injury claims, as well as for his expert handling of the unique quantum issues associated with such cases. He has particular experience in motor accident claims.” - Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2025

    "Rob is an outstanding junior and has a tireless work-ethic, an incredible intelligence and puts lay clients completely at ease." - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2024

    "Incredibly astute and can assimilate a huge amount of information and boil it down to the key elements. His written work always has a feel of real quality his drafting is second-to-none." - Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2024

    ‘Very approachable and client-focused.' - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2023

    Ranked as a Leading Junior - Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2023

    ‘Rob can very quickly understand the main issues and advise accordingly.’ - Travel Law, Legal 500 2023

    Instructed by numerous leading claimant solicitors for catastrophic injury cases. He is best known for his excellent work in fatal accident matters and traumatic brain injury claims, as well as for his expert handling of the unique quantum issues associated with such cases. He also has experience in more unusual claims involving the Animals Act. "He is very thorough in his approach and is a very approachable barrister. He has a good manner with clients." "A solid advocate who makes sensible concessions where needed but is not afraid to take a difficult point."Personal Injury, Chambers UK Bar 2022. 

    Frequently handles serious illness and catastrophic injury cases, including group actions, and regularly acts for claimant holidaymakers. "He is good with clients, very thorough and always well prepared. He's very responsive and a great advocate." - Travel: International Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2022. 

    An experienced junior barrister who is known for his astute representation of claimants. He is regularly instructed in matters involving complex quantum and causation issues, and has experience of handling high-value brain injury, birth injury and amputation claims. "He's great with clients." "Very responsive and thorough." "He can handle the most complex cases and he is very skilled at finding the crux of the matter." - Clinical Negligence, Chambers UK Bar 2022. 

    "Great in court, very good with clients and provides detailed clear advice." - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2022. 

    "His knowledge and understanding of the law is sublime. Clients feel safe in his hands." - Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2022.

    "He has outstanding analytical talents and is particularly good on quantum issues." - Travel Law, Legal 500 2022.

    "He is an extremely talented and personable advocate with great client skills and an eye for detail." "His drafting is wonderful and he is always very well prepared." Instructed in a fatal claim involving the death of a young father in an RTA. - Personal Injury, Chambers UK Bar 2021

    "A strong advocate." Represented the claimant in Pybus v Travel Counsellors, a claim arising from the development of Legionnaires' disease in Sardinia resulting in the claimant suffering sepsis and cardiopulmonary arrest. - Travel: International Personal Injury, Chambers UK Bar 2021

    ‘Always adds value to a case and is particularly strong in fatal accident claims.’ - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2021

    “He works tirelessly on his cases and the pleadings and paperwork he produces are second to none. He is excellent with experts and clients alike and, as a solicitor, it is a joy to work alongside him on a case. He isn't afraid of tackling the tricky cases.” - Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2021

    ‘He is very responsive and provides prompt, detailed, considered advice.’ - Travel law (including jurisdictional issues), Legal 500 2021

    "An extremely talented and personable advocate with great client skills and an eye for detail." Acted in Hicks v Young, a case concerning a young man who sustained a brain injury after jumping from a taxi. Quantum was in dispute. - Personal Injury, Chambers UK Bar 2020

    "An extremely good advocate who is passionate, great with clients and demonstrates a good knowledge in this specialist field." Instructed in Amanda Webster and Others v Thomas Cook, a multiparty claim concerning disappointed holidaymakers. The claim involves a number of serious illness claims. - Travel: International Personal Injury, Chambers UK Bar 2020

    ‘He is unfailingly well-prepared, delightful with his clients and forensic with the evidence.’ - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2020

    ‘He is very responsive and provides prompt, detailed, considered advice.’ - Travel law (including jurisdictional issues), Legal 500 2020

    "He's very thorough and really good at identifying the key issues in a case." "He's very client-focused, very able and tactically very good." Instructed in Edgar v West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, a case involving the death of a young mother from necrotising fasciitis. - Personal Injury, Chambers UK Bar 2019

    "He's very easy to work with, receptive to flexible approaches and skilled in gaining the maximum possible damages for clients." "He is very analytical, great with clients and has a good eye for detail." Instructed in Tracey Murphy and others v First Choice Holidays and Flights, a serious injury claim concerning chronic fatigue syndrome arising from a gastric illness contracted in Rhodes. - Travel: International Personal Injury, Chambers UK Bar 2019

    ‘He is responsive, always has a good grasp on the detail and knows the subject very well.’ - Personal Injury, Industrial Disease and Insurance Fraud, Legal 500 2019

    "Really gets to grips with the cases and is excellent with clients.” "A talented barrister who is very good with clients." Acted in a complex claim involving a man who sustained catastrophic injuries when struck by a cow and was rendered tetraplegic. - Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2018

    "An extremely good advocate who is passionate and great with clients and demonstrates a good specialist knowledge in this field." "He is analytical in his approach and gives very considered and measured opinions." - Travel: International Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2018

    "Excellent on fatal claims, impressive and approachable." - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2017

    Joins the rankings due to excellent feedback from peers and instructing solicitors. He mainly handles serious illness and catastrophic injury cases, including group actions, and regularly acts for claimant holidaymakers. "He's an extremely good, passionate advocate who's great with clients and demonstrates specialist knowledge." Appeared in Perkins v TUI UK, representing a claimant who suffered kidney damage on holiday in Turkey. The case was settled on the basis of potential future damages claims due to the longevity of the claimant's illness. - Travel PI, Chambers UK 2017

    Clients particularly praise his work ethic, bedside manner and schedules. "Fiercely intelligent and a great tactician."  Appeared in Hicks v Young on behalf of the claimant. The case concerned catastrophic brain injuries sustained by the client after jumping out of a moving taxi. - Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2017

    "Very good on detail, polished with clients and wiser than his years." - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2016

    Frequently instructed on cases concerning chronic pain, fatal accidents and orthopaedic injuries. He is also noted for his expertise in cases involving injuries abroad. Strengths: "He's a good strategic thinker. He can look at a case in context and risk-assess in a way that is far beyond his call." "He's got an instinct for working out how things are going to play out." Obtained a £299,000 award on behalf of the claimant in Haynes v Printcloths, a fully contested chronic pain dispute. - Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2016

    "He is very professional and nothing is too much trouble." - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2015

    A well-regarded large loss/severe injury practitioner who excels in accidents that involve spinal trauma, complex regional pain or amputations. He also undertakes CICA claims and is mainly instructed by the leading personal injury firms. "His opinions are really thorough and detailed, and he thinks about all the issues, not just the ones you have identified for him to consider." "He is also very good with clients, works really hard, and is very thorough and well prepared." Acted for the claimant in a high-value motor claim where catastrophic spinal damage was sustained. - Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2015

    "Strong on quantum and descisive on liability". - Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2014

    "Thoroughly committed to his cases." - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2014

    An “exceptionally promising junior" who "sees the woods from the trees in getting to the issues at the heart of a case". - Legal 500 2011

    “A ferocious work rate and superb analytical skills”. - Legal 500 2010

    "Abilities and qualities add to the strength-in-depth of Devereux Chambers". - Legal 500 2009

    Rob is one of only 30 junior barristers recommended by the Spinal Injuries Association on its approved list of catastrophic injury barristers and one of only 3 called in or after 2000.

  • Personal Injury

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    Rob accepts instructions in almost all areas of personal injury work. He is presently instructed in accidents at work, asbestos-related litigation, accidents abroad and various public liability claims. He has particular expertise in fatal accident claims.

    Rob has a busy road traffic practice. He is involved in accidents that have led to fatality, amputation, or other serious injury, or where there are issues relating to the liability of the MIB or road traffic insurer.

    He has successfully concluded multiple head injury claims, those for amputees and many other maximum severity cases. 

    Rob has also received instructions on behalf of high earning claimants. Recent clients have included a Pilot, Professor, Consultant Surgeon and Investment Banker.

    Rob does not accept instructions in claims with a value below £100,000, unless there is a particularly interesting point of law or procedure. He would expect to act without a leader in the vast majority of sub-catastrophic cases. 

    Some examples of recent work:

    • Hicks v Young [2015] EWHC 1144 (QB) Successful claim for Claimant who jumped from moving taxi and sustained very severe brain injuries. Ground-breaking authority on causation in intentional torts. Retained for appeal in April 2016. Led by Steve Killalea QC.
    • Ramirez v Nature Port Reception Facilities Ltd (2015) High value, high profile fatal accident claim following explosion at the Port of Gibraltar. Liability and quantum in dispute. Challenge to prevailing discount rate in Gibraltar. Settled at mediation with adjusted discount rate. Acted alone against Leading Counsel. 
    • B v R (2015) Long term representation of a young woman with multiple injuries of the upmost severity (numerous fractures, incontinence, chronic pain, etc). First instructed 2011; liability compromised days before trial in 2013; claim concluded for £650k in 2015.  Sole counsel throughout.
    • A v National Grid Plc (2013) Traumatic brain injury and polytrauma to a young man who aspired to join the Fire Service.  Settled a few days before trial for £900k.
    • B v Aviva & Another (2013) Fatal accident claim following death of entrepreneur.  Settled at round table meeting for £675k.
    • G v Haden Drysys International Limited (2013) - Fatal Accident Claim arising from tragic death of Claimant’s husband from asbestosis. Complex issues of quantum. Compromised shortly before trial for £415k.
    • Harvey v Plymouth City Council [2010] EWCA Civ 860 Junior Counsel for Claimant in catastrophic injury claim in occupiers' liability.  Successful at first instance but overturned by the Court of Appeal. Led by Stephen Killalea QC
    • Barber v Nuthal (2010) Successful appeal to the High Court against dismissal of RTA claim by a Recorder.  Judgment on appeal for 100% of the claim
  • Clinical Negligence

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    Rob has acted in medical and dental negligence claims. He is instructed by many of the major firms including Irwin Mitchell, Pattinson & Brewer and others.

    Rob has particular experience in:

    • Obstetric / Gynaecological claims – birth injuries (typically hypoxia), stillbirths and failure to manage pregnancies 
    • Gastroenterological claims – misdiagnosis, substandard surgery, failure to intervene
    • Negligent or delayed spinal surgery - typically involving cauda equina syndrome
    • Delayed oncological diagnosis
    • Necrotising fasciitis  
    • Fatal Accident claims
    • Claims involving the negligence of a general practitioner

    Recent notable cases include:

    • EGW v York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (2015)  High value claim for child Claimant who sustained cerebral palsy due to negligence at birth. Settled Schedule alone. Compromised with Robert Glancy QC after a JSM.
    • R v X Trust (2015) Delayed spinal surgery for developing cauda equina syndrome. Instructed on behalf of medical Professor. Liability denied. Case settled after proceedings served.
    • H v X Trust (2015) Perforation of colon during gastrointestinal surgery leading to sepsis and premature death.
    • W v X GP & Y Trust (2015) Failures to undertake adequate vascular examination leading to lower limb amputation. 
    • O v C University Health Board (2013) Negligent spinal surgery leading to causa equina syndrome.  Led by Rob Weir QC. 
    • Large number of birth injury claims, both settled and ongoing.
  • Accidents Abroad & International Travel

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    Chambers UK 2016 singled out Rob as a barrister noted for his expertise in cases involving injuries abroad.

    Rob is comfortable with the full range of jurisdictional issues and has acted in cases involving disputes arising from, for example, direct rights of action against a foreign insurer, service out of the jurisdiction, and choice of law contests.

    In group actions, Rob enjoys rolling up his sleeves and working in a team with his Solicitors. He is experienced in relation to accidents at sea and in resorts.  

    Some examples of notable cases include:

    • Bradie Perkins v TUI UK Ltd (2016): high value claim for life-threatening conditions developed by a teenager while on holiday in Turkey. He contracted e.coli, Giardiasis and the kidney condition HUS which were attributable to the hotel's negligence. The claimant has been awared a six-figure out-of-court payout by the travel company, offering him peace of mind in the event of future kidney failure. The case was widely reported in the national press.
    • C v R S Holidays (2015) Claim for young woman who developed arthritis allegedly as a result of gastric illness contracted on holiday in Egypt. C in work. Polarised expert evidence on causation and prognosis. JSM unsuccessful but case settled shortly after PTR.
    • Emslie v RII, Inc (2015) Spinal injury (tetraplegia) in roll over of an ‘all terrain vehicle’ that C claims was unsafe to drive on a slope.  Previous proceedings in America. High value, cross-jurisdictional, catastrophic injury claim. Led by Stephen Killalea QC. 
    • F & 40 Others v TUI UK (2015) Group action for illness at hotel.
    • A & 275 Others v A Tour Operator (2013) Large group action for illness abroad.
    • X v Y Association (2012) – Tetraplegia to young man following in diving accident in Baltic States. Liability and quantum compromised. Led by Stephen Killalea QC.

    Rob is a member of TATLA.

  • Neurotrauma

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    Rob has received instructions in multiple brain injury claims, ranging from catastrophic injury to subtle brain injury and post-concussion syndrome.

    Rob is in demand as Junior Counsel in catastrophic brain injury claims. He is distinguished by having been led by every personal injury Silk in Chambers.

    Some examples of Rob's recent work (instructed as sole counsel):

    • K v A (2014) Traumatic brain injury.  Settled at JSM for a provisional award of £750k.
    • M-F v S (2014) Subtle traumatic brain injury. Settled at JSM in November 2014 for £375k.
    • A v National Grid Plc (2013). Traumatic brain injury and polytrauma to a young man who aspired to join the Fire Service.  Settled a few days before trial for £900k.
  • Spinal Injury

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    Rob is one of only 30 junior barristers recommended by the Spinal Injuries Association on its approved list of catastrophic injury barristers and is one of only 3 called in or after 2000.

    Rob is distinguished by having been led by every personal injury silk in Chambers.

    Some recent examples of Rob's caseload include:

    • Emslie v RII, Inc (Ongoing) Spinal injury (tetraplegia) in roll over of an ‘all terrain vehicle’ that C claims was unsafe to drive on a slope.  Previous proceedings in America. High value, cross-jurisdictional, catastrophic injury claim. Led by Stephen Killalea QC.
    • Barton v Rose - Catastrophic spinal injury.  Instructed as Junior Counsel alongside Rob Weir QC to deal with 8 day quantum trial
    • X v Y Association – Tetraplegia to young man following in diving accident in Baltic States.  Compromised at limit of insurer's indemnity. Led by Stephen Killalea QC.
  • Financial Mis-Selling and Consumer Credit

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    In addition to his primary practice areas, Rob has developed a niche in the field of financial mis-selling. Rob has experience in claims arising from payment protection insurance policies mis-sold to consumers, interest rate hedging products mis-sold to small and medium sized companies and a variety of other claims with a consumer credit element.

    Rob is able to draw from long experience as a common-law barrister and more recent experience as a Deputy District Judge to litigate such cases effectively. He has worked exclusively on behalf of claimants.

  • Additional Information

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    Rob lectures when invited. Last year he delivered a 3-part series on quantum. This year he has spoken on fatal accidents, disclosure, brain injury (in a clinical negligence context) and covert surveillance. Appropriately enough, the latter was the subject of his first webinar.


Deputy District Judge (civil) - appointed 2019


Certificate in Brain Injury Studies, Headway / Northampton University 2018

Steen Award and Lee Essay Competition Winner, Gray's Inn 2001

BA Hons Law and Government, University of Manchester 2000

Memberships and Associations


Gray's Inn - Approved Pupil Supervisor